Saturday, March 12, 2011

PL:6 (A rerun....sort of)

So, this is saturday, and that means it is my day off. Instead of not doing anything, I thought I would present to you a blog entry that I wrote and never posted. This is from December 2nd of 2010. It was not finished at the time, i will try and end it here and present a little something.

Truth is, I am doing this so I don't write about what is on my mind. Cop Out bitches!

Start of old blog:

I will get back to posting my normal blog later today, but I wanted to drop some stuff in here.

Last night I went to the hospitol because my brain hurt. This resulted in me finding out I had some infection issues going on. Nothing dirty mind you, but hey, now I know why I feel like crap. Because of this, I had a chance to take a day off of work. This resultedd in me taking copius quantities of drugs, take a ginormous nap and catch up on my reading.

This is not always a good thing, but in this case, assuming you like my funny rants, it is a very good thing.

Anyone familiar with D20 Modern will understand the title, but for those of you who are not familiar (and that is 99% of the world) need to know I am talking about the Information age.

We are now getting the party started, and the chips are falling where they may. Take wikileaks for example. This dude Assanje fully believes he is doing something fantastic with all of these documents he is putting up on the net. He talks about transparency in government, and while I agree there should be transparency, what this latest round of leaks reminds me of is E!.

A bunch of internal documents and gossip about foreign affairs. How Perezx Hilton like. I think that may in fact be the perfect analogy of what the information age is turning out to be.

With near limitless access to information at my finger tips, what I need to know, and what investigative reporters are all out to find out is who is sleeping with who, who has genital warts, and what we really think of foreign leaders.

None of it is shocking, none of it is revealing. All it tells us is stuff we already knew. That Iranian guy, the americans don't like him. Canada has few domestic terror issues. The German leader is kind of a machine... seriously. This is what you found? Maybe, just maybe if you told me that Prime Minister Harper had genital herpes which he got from a transvestite hooker, I might actually care. The rest is just stuff I already knew because I have half a brain.

The real meat of the information we get merely tells us that we are all people. I have said it before, and I will say it again. All people are people. We like to think that our leaders are different than us, but they aren't. Celebrities must be different because they are famous. They are just people. Some are good, some are bad. Some have paranoid schizophrenia and some have diahreia.

One thing we have learned from the information age is that everyone is just a person. We strive so hard to find out their foibles that we forget to realise all these people are just people, and their foibles are no different than those of the person living next to you.

For some reason we want to build them up just so we can knock them down. At times I don't get the information age. On one hand we make stars out of mentally dificient people from Neew Jersey, and then we seek to freak out when we find out they like to do stupid things.

We seem to have confused the information age with the theatrical age. Everything must be sensational. Everything has to presented as infotainment. It is like those friggin puns on news programs. Seriously, do you have to make me feel petty and small for laughing at your little cute sayings? You are a news source, not a comedy show.

As we enter the era of the cloud, everything seems to need to be bigger, brighter, more sensational. Take Playboy for example. TRhe Heff is in serious trouble. No one is buying Playboy anymore. No one wants to see high gloss pictures of plastic women in compromising positions in front of everyday backdrops.

Wanna know why? Because we can download full length movies of our neighbours doing anything and everything ever inventedd in the realm of sexual contact...with or without a partner, with or without a member of the animal kingdom.

The era of women as meat is sort of over, and now we enter the era of women as snot rags. I can't think of anything worse really at this point to liken it to.

We have gone from women as objects of desire and attention, which is not the worst thing in the world, yet still doesn't treat them as equals, and thus a problem that needs to be dealt with; to treating them as if they were an old sweat sock. Spewing tons of man juice all over women's faces, video taping them eating feces, plugging every hole with a giant sausage (not a euphamism, though could be) having them copulate with animals, 5 guys at a time. Is this progress?

Is this what the information age is all about? I want off that cloud. Where's the cloud where we are open with each other, share history and culture? Why is it that the majority of the internet is gossip, ridiculous pornography, insanity and

end of old blog.

whatever disgusting or sensational graphic images we can think.

Hooray for progress. Hooray for the need to shock ourselves in to feeling something, since we are slipping further and further apart.

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