Alley The Monkey Tamer

Alley wasn't so much born as she was released upon the world in a plot to destroy the will of man.

She spent most of her life inside the evil confines of Michigan, until freed by some mega corporation, for which she now counts stuff. This is rather difficult for her because she only has ten fingers and toes.

At some point in her impressionable years, she was introduced to a monkey man. It was at this point that her true nature was revealed. Slowly the two of them began to build a plan for taking over the world that included a tank and an aircraft carrier with a disco ball and dance floor on the flight deck.

This plan failed, and so with the help of one monkey, her new plan is to run the entertainment business by providing inspiration and whiping the monkey man in to creative fits.

Alley enjoys baking better than sex....cakes. Her new hobby is cooking, but she has seven left thumbs, so that is not safe.

You can contact her at

Her phone number is 586-yeah right! She won't even give me her phone number!