Chris Parker - The Monkey

Chris was born in some random Canadian city, and was promptly removed for the protection of the townsfolk. He was taken to Toronto where he could be studied more closely by leading Monkeyologists.

At a young age he escaped from captivity and had to fend for himself. This led to many adventures which do to the statute of limitation cannot be all discussed here.

At 16 he and a friend thought it would be the cat's pajamas to start a radio station. Having loved radio for so very long he decided to call the CRTC and ask for a station. They sent him the Rukes "booklet" and the application "Pamphlet." This turned out to be 50 pounds of paper. He dutifuly pretended to read them and lost interest, prefering to get high and watch tv.

Several decades (at least so his body thinks) later he decided to get sober. Not having any idea what to do with his life, he came accross an aplication to college. Being blindish, he was not able to become a hunky ambulance driver, so he went for a broadcasting degree. Sveral homo erotic experiences later, he was christened a new broadcaster.

He went out in to the world and began writing and producing all of the annoying shit that happens when music isn't being played. Several awards for annoying you later, he found himself in a no win situation.

His solution? Quit the biz and become a social worker. Yay! More schooling. He made some sort of Dean's list thingy and is now unemployedish.

In hopes of bringing sanity back to the world, he writes a blog, writes some fiction he hopes to get published, and now has his very own podcast, which he shares with the evil Alley.

He enjoys geek things, like Star wars, Video games and Masterbation.

He is a baseball geek as well. He can talk your ear off for hours about the history of the infield fly rule, so maybe you don't want to bring that up.

He is currently skulking around several bushes seeking Mrs. Monkey.

You can email him at