Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Monkey Week Mar 14-20

One Week of Blogs in One Paragraph

I started out the week discussing my first romance with an actual female human. I then begged for your help, by asking you to send me ideas. In an effort to not do any actual writing, I decided it would be prudent to inform everyone of the impending podcast as well as all the changes that have been made to the blog. Hint: Look to the right. I then moved in to discussing myself, I know, how original. I did so by discussing my flirtation with broadcasting and how I first became involved with the process of making cool stuff come out of the magic box. I rounded out the week with a short piece of fiction....sort of. I recently attempted the cold turket stopage of tobacco consumption. This dark piece is the result.

Monkey Messages

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.- Katherine Mansfield

Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive.- Elbert Hubbard

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi

When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet.- Stanislaw J. Lec

I want to keep fighting because it is the only thing that keeps me out of the hamburger joints. If I don't fight, I'll eat this planet.- George Foreman

The Musical Interlude

It would appear that I failed to post songs everyday this week. For shame monkey, for shame.

Finger Eleven - I'll Keep Your Memory Vague A sad melancholic song about lost love. Give me a break, I had just written about a woman I loved dieing. Sometimes I wish I could keep her memory vague.

Puddle of Mudd - She Hates Me Self explanatory. Unrequitted love. Not sure why I was thinking of this song, but it really is the guy version of all those sad pop songs. I like the anger element.

R.E.M. - End of The World I know this is kind of in poor taste if you are Japanese, but since I am not, it is just a statement about me podcasting with Alley. Seriously, nothing will be the same again. Sad insight to my brain incoming. Not to mention you get to see, errr hear, me get my ass handed to me weekly by a short person.

Weekly Nirvana

A deep cut off that album with the naked baby chasing the dollar bill.

Seriously, addiction, be it to heroin, smokes, people, attention or dollar bills sucks.

Podcast of The Week

This week I decided to tell you about how geeky I truly am. This week I am telling you about Jesse Thorn and Jordan Morris' little project; Jordan, Jesse, GO!

The reason this makes me a geek is that it is a podcasters podcast. This is not for the feint of heart, or the dabbler in podcasts. It is truly a snobbery of podcastery.

The hosts started out on public radio, and brought their brand of comedy and music to podcasting. Jesse Thorn also hosts a show called The Sound of Young America, which is an eclectic mix of infotainment about those things that are supposed to appeal to semi-educated people in their twenties.

Jordan, Jesse, Go! is sort of a natural extension to that program. This podcast is more of a conversation between two friends about what they find funny, and or entertaining. To that end, they have fantastic guests (some of which you have heard about, and some of which you should really pay more attention to) and tend to discuss their own interests in entertainment.

While the hosts tend towards being elitists in their views of what should be entertainment, they do it in an amiable fashion, and rather than come accross as snobs, they just come accross as discerning and well intentioned.

Both are very funny, with Jesse Thorn tending towards more of the straight man, while Jordan Morris takes on a bit more of a wild man persona. The chemistry between the two frriends is undeniable, and creates great bits where one builds off of the other in a classic game of trying to out funny each other.

While you might find some greta insights to entertainment, you are not going to find a home here if you are in to nickleback, pink, the black eyed peas, or anything that might be considered commercial. This is the kind of show that would call the Kings Of Leon sell out commercial pablum.

If you enjoy comedy, and learning about some of the people who are truly the creative minds behind some of entertainment's big hits or more popular shows, then this is the place for you. One week you may hear from a staff writer on SNL, the next from a comic you may not know, but will find hilarious.

I reccomend this podcast to anyone who feels like they have a discerning taste in entertainment. It is truly the pop culture show for the sub pop crowd of semi to fully educated people.

A word of caution though. While by no means an explicit podcast, the hosts have been known to swear and mention dirty sex stuff, but you know, in a classy way....

One Monkey Toy


Did anyone think I would pass this up? I thought not. If you are in to video games, this is a pretty good one. If you are in to baseball, this is a necessity. The chance to make it the the show, to win a world series is just to much to pass up. It has all the features you expect from a sports game. You can create your own player, make a new team, build your own roster, trade, sign the big free agent and even cheat.

I myself am too poor to have the latest version, so I am still playing 2k10, but I can tell you there is a tremendous amount of fun to be had.

The MLB today feature also allows you to connect to the server and get real time updates of the actual major leagues.

If you have the man danglers, you can also play online against others.

The only trouble you might have is the one I have, which team to be? Who am I going to lead to the promised land of championships, fast women and loose cars!

Wrap Party

There you have it, the week that was according to one monkey. Be sure to check back here tomorrow for the first podcast...oh that reminds me, I want to give a special shout out to Jonathan Coulton. This guy is a fantastic artist and his support of independent new media is heart warming to say the least. The man has given us permission to use his music... at least for now, and we intend to make the most of it. Other stuff coming up this week may include my incarceration for nic fit related crimes, a discussion of the fall out from Japan, another story of my pathetic life, and maybe even another piece of scintalating fiction.

Be sure to friend us on facebook and follow us on twitter. Big things a coming people, get on board now while I still care about you!

Speaking of caring about you, I welcome your comments and suggestions. Is there something you want more of? Less of? Would like to see? Let me know, and I might just do it.

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