The Podcast

Here we see the Monkey attempting to make hay (look kids a tell em steve dave reference). This is the home of the One Monkey Media Podcast. It is a weekly cast involving Chris Parker (the monkey) and Alley (the monkey tamer), in which they attempt to make you laugh and think. It is a long difficult task, but our heroes are up to the challenge.

Below you will find links to the cast pages updated whenever a new cast comes out. Feel free to have a listen, and then complain about stuff to them.

While this show is not explicit in design, it may not exactly be kosher for little ears, or those sensitive to sunlight, dick and fart jokes, or topics involving the proper placement of bananas. Also, they swear from time to time, but it is totally in context and not at all for shock value.

It's really just two crazy people trying to figure out the world together and recording their conversations over skype.

Try it, you might like it, failing that we promise to come over to your house and explain why you didn't like it, and why that makes you a bad person.

Season 1 Episode 1. How Much is that monkey in the window. All about who the monkey is and why you should feel sorry for him, and throw him a pity....uhmmm....

Season 1 Episode 2. Are you friggin kidding me? All about the evil people controlling Rebecca Black's brain, creativity spirals, and the void in our lives caused by the lack of success.

Season 1 Episode 3. Where the white women at? Alley is away and the monkey will play. According to this podcast it is entirely possible she is either killing a white man in his twenties or being killed by a Hispanic man in his thirties. Hear all about it.

Season 1 Episode 4. Shock the monkey! Alley goes crazy and scares the monkey half to death. Listen to her go off on her terrible weekend, and find out the secret reason why. This pod has much swearing and insulting of stupid people. Listen at your own risk.

Season 1 Episode  5. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Alley and I talk randomly over the course of a few days, and this is the result. Notice my comedic chops as I call back to stuff from two days ago, and see how the monkey tamer backs me into a corner and makes me gay.