Saturday, April 16, 2011

One Monkey Week April 11-17

A day early and a feature short.

One Week of Blogs In One Paragraph

The week started out with a podcast in which we learned how I become the gay friend. After that there was some fiction which was stolen by another website and posted. At least they gave me credit for it. So I guess that technically makes me published. Wednessday got rough because I realised I have gotten old. A list appeared in which I complained about being ugly and explained how and why Han SHOT FIRST! We closed the week off here with the fully necessary blog about not blogging and instead making love with your hand and other excuses.

Monkey Messages

Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary. ~Mark Twain

Without music, life would be a mistake.- Friedrich Nietzsche

The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be - Katherine Mansfield

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.- Douglas Adams

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.- Isaac Asimov

Musical Interlude

The All-American Rejects - It Ends Tonight. Sometimes it is just good to end things that cast a darkness over you, even if that darkness is unintentional. This song has always been about the switch from pain to understanding to learning. How all break ups, endings, deaths, lead to eventual wisdom.

Guns N' Roses - Garden of Eden. This is one of those songs that reminds me that Phil Collins is meaningless. This is when Huey Lewis just became irrelevant. The lyrics of this song are so angsty and yet possess a sort of hope for change that I can't help but love it. It's not a problem you can solve, it's rock and roll.

Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (Alt Lyrics).
This song reminds me of a person is tired of being your solution but can't walk away because he loves his tormentor so much. There is this feeling of not getting what you want and yet still staying because of duty, honour and love. The writer walk with ghosts that no one helps with but he will help those he loves because he loves them, and he will sacrifice but he needs to say these things.

Violent Femmes - Kiss Off. Immature love at its finest. Also, college music at its finest. Insecurity mixed with passion and lust. Dealing with these feelings can be tough, and when the going gets tough the tough get messed up.

Linkin Park - Bleed It Out. I would have to say that this is probably my second favourite band performing my second favourite song they do. I am sure it is just random lines on a page to them, but to me it speaks volumes about a redemptive act, and how sometimes that redemptive act can merely be bringing to light the things that have created wounds in us.

Weekly Nirvana

Podcast Of The Week

This week I want to hilight the podcast of twin brothers Randy and Jason Sklar. Their podcast is called Sklarbro Country, which is more clever a ame than people give it credit for.

These two brothers play off of each other better than any comedy team that I have heard previously. I am sure it helps that they are twins, but still, they can build and play off each other with ease, creating avalanches of jokes and referential puns and building complex takes on pop culture and sports.

What many might claim as a drawback is that it is very sports oriented. The two are clearly sports fans and have made a career of commenting on sports. This is not an issue for me, and it most likely won't be for you. They manage to make sports accessable to people by talking more about them in their pop culture influence rather than in an elitist, musst know batting acerages sort of way.

These two clearly know their audience and their craft and they manage to make sports and ridiculous pop culture funny and topical.

Each week they bring in a guest who is not a sports star. They bring in mostly comedians and actors to discuss all manner of things. Special episodes include Chris Cox impersonating several celebrities rather well. Of course these impressions are over the top charactures and invariably lead to groaning and laughter.

For those who are musical snobs they also provide several musical breaks in which they showcase independent style music, some of which may actually come from bands you have heard of. If you haven't there is still a pretty good chance that you will like it, and if you don't they are brief and easily forwarded past.

All in all a quality podcast with great hosts, guests and bits. This podcast is highly reccomended to sports fans and strongly reccomended for people who like comedians who roast celebrity.

YouTube Clip Of The Week

Finally, a gym I wish to join.

One Monkey Toy

I attempted to do research for this week's toy, and so, like all great researches I typed something in to google. What I typed in was Man Toys. Now, I must admit I had to wade through a few porn related sites with live action Miley Cyrus dolls, but once I did, the first site that came up not related to getting your rocks off was about stalking women. No seriously.

What I saw was a site for night vision goggles and other special optics devices for spying. While I can get behind playing spy games, I cannot get behind stalking the ladies.

This google interpretation of manhood shocked me in so much as it is right there out in the open. So often we like to think the world is not what we think it is, but apparently, according to google, the world is exactly the way you think it is.

Men are creepy, disgusting sex addicted perverts who will get what they want one way or another. I am only slight pleased at the fact that sexual surrogates were ranked slightly higher than devices which make kidnapping and rape easier.

I am so disillusioned right now, and cannot look for real toys, sorry.

Wrap Party

Had to get through this quickly because I am going on a week long vacation. I am taking a week off starting.....right now....ok not now but soon. I just need some time away from the internet to get some stuff in ordeer. My creativity has taken a minor slide of late so I want to recharge the batteries. This means that there will be no posts this week and seriously reduced twitter and facebook traffic. I will be back with a vengeance after this down time with a bunch of awesome posts and podcasts. Take care people and I will see you on the other side.

Vacation starts ....... now.

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