Friday, April 1, 2011

Hope Spring

Today is a magical day for me, it represents all that is good in the world. The smell of grass, the warmth of the sun, the cool of a gentle breeze, and the crack of a bat.

Today is opening day for my team, and this can only mean good things. On this day, my team has the potential to be the best. All of my hopes and dreams can be realised, because on this day the slate is clean and the future starts now.

I love the fact that spring means these things, but opening day has meant so much more to me in the past. Opening day has been the bright spot in my relationship with my mother.

All too often I remember only the disappointment and the agony. The failed attempts to connect and the distant feelings of regret and loss. These are the things I think of when I think about my mother on any other day than this one.

On this day though, or relationship is perfect. Opening day was our day. It was our time to be together and forget the rest of the year, forget the rest of our troubles. This was the day when we could laugh and shout, eat and be merry. This day is the day we spent together every year because it was our thing.

Nothing could intrude on our happy day. We would go out to the ballpark and enjoy the sights and sounds of hope. On this day all things were possible, on this day we could build a better year, start fresh and be happy.

It never turned out that way, and my final memory of opening day with my mother was of her and I getting high together, but somethings will never change. On this day my hopes and dreams all seem so real, and so obtainable, just like that American League pennant.

On this day I am free to be me, and work to be the best me ever.

It is on this day that I am happy for the future, so full of promise, and it is on this day that I miss opening day mom.

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