Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Be careful what you wish for.

Well, apologies for that whole losing my mind yesterday. Not sure what I was thinking, but it is time to get back to the work of entertaining you and not me.

I don't wish to dwell on this, but a number of years ago, a few tools decided it was a good idea to crash some planes in to New York. You may have heard something about this, I think it was in the papers or something.

At the time, people went all nutso. I was living in Regina. If you do not know anything about Regina, it is that postage stamp looking thing in the middle of Canada you fly over going to somewhere that matters. The entire economy revolved around 4 things. Tractors, cows, Booze and call centers.

The day after the whole bad men doing evil thing, our boss ordered a controlled entry way along with bullet proof glass, a night security guard and a sophisticated alarm system. To give you some perspective, the over night girl had to change her name, move, take out several restraining orders and mace a man who was stalking her because of her position at the radio station. The man had showed up at work numerous times and got in numerous times, including through a known defective back door. The companies response to this very real threat was to advise her not to go out alone.

People lost it big time. A few days later some douche tried to sell terrorist insurance on the radio. I refused to air the commercial.

Anyway, my point is that people got very security conscious.

Many right wing lunapundits took the time to call for serious security. The government of the United States passed a number of bills and new lawws about security, removing many civil liberties.

Over several years, many lunapundits screamed about how lax security at air ports was. PROTECT OUR PEOPLE AND AIRWAYS they cried.

And thus, insane security measures were taken. Now we see the limits to how far people are willing to go.

Do racial profiling.

Do make us take off our shoes.


This is not a rant on Mr. Tyner, the man who you can hear in any one of a thousand internet clips decrying his no fly zone.

This is in fact a rant against all the people who cried for more and more and more security. The people who failedd to notice as their liberties were being eroded. For all the people who sat by while people weere carted off and did not say anything. For all the rancorous douches who spew hate directed towards anyone named Ahmed or Habib. This is for all the crotchety old white men who are now freaking out that someone may finally check their luggage and claim they do not have to check it or even mark it as carry on.

All I have heard for the last week from the same people who brought you, toss em all in Gitmo is.....they`ve gone too far! That new, very unfortunitely name rapiscan that details the wrinkles on your man danglers or the folds in your well....witty seems lost here so I ill move on... As soon as it comes down to a beaurocrat in your pants it is all over.

Any ideas as to why they are this stringent now? I wonder if it has something to do with the underwear bomb thing from last year. Who knows. I mean, after the shoe bomber we had to take off our shoes, so it only makes sense.

The thing I find most interesting is that, save the fox new vixens (they really do not count here) I have not heard one woman complain. I have heard men yelp and scream about it. I have heard men worried about their daughter`s honour, but I have not heard a woman complain....well until this morning when one woman claimed her 11 year old daughter was felt up.

Maybe it is because women are used to handsy people. Myabe it is because women have, for so long put up with people messing about with their privates. Ask a woman who has to ride tthe subway how many times her ass gets grabbed. Ask a woman how often someone`s elbow gets to second base. I think the answer will shock you.

I am reminded of that most famous quote about sacrificing liberty for security.

Those chickens are coming home to roost people.

I am just disgusted by the number of people who waited to say something until they came for your penis.

You said nothing when they dragged your neighbour away. You said nothing when they tortured people. You said nothing when they broke all the rules and spied on us without cause.

But for the love of god, stay away from my manhood.

I feel ya Brah. I have never had a happy ending when a beaurocrat was handling my stuff, both figuratively and literally. I am sure this will be no different.

Next time, try saying don`t touch my rights instead of making about your man handle. You might get more sympathy from someone like me, who would have fought for you 5 yearts ago, but is too tired and amused to give a rat`s ass about your penis safety.

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