Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Me, Myself and Sam Beckett

All my worldly possessions go to the geek who gets the reference in the title based on the content of the piece.

I was recently reminded of Schrodinger's cat. I am always one for discussing the torment of soft kitty, warm kitty, little balls of fur! For that reason, I wanted to discuss the cat of this man schrodinger.

I also didn't want my last post to be my last post. No one wants to go out all bitchy and mad faced. I am no different. I want to go out with some style and a little pinache.

To that end, let us return to torturing furballs.

So Schrodinger came up with this thought experiment to discuss the possibility in all things to exist in two diametrically opposed states at a single point in time. The idea he proposed was the most absurd extrapolation he could come up with.

Put a cat in a box with a device attached to a deadly poison. Make the device equally likely to release the poison as to not. Close and seal the box.

At any given time one can say that the cat is both dead and alive. Since it is equally likely that the poison spilled, as it having not spilled, it is left up to the mind of the person watching the box to determine the state of the cat with no further evidence..

We all look at this box from the outside universe and we all decide whether the cat is alive or dead. My question to you is, do you want to be a dead kitty person or a live kitty person?

Do you want to let fear cripple you in to not trying something because it might be bad? Would you not rather be the person who risked it because it might be good?

It is terrible when we open that box to find the cat smeared to the bottom in various states of decay, but when we open that box and see a warm fuzzy little kitten purring and meowing at us, our hearts melt.

One can say the same thing about any two options in this world. One can say it about love, about that crazy italian restraunt (yes that is a nirvana reference) or one can say it about me.

In my little box, with no evidence to pick one side or the other, I could be both alive or dead. In fact, what Schrodinger was actually tryng to quantify was the fact that all things are both. You are the potential for everything on either end of the spectrum of being, and thus, at any given time you are both because you have the potential to be either depending on which way you bend.

In the simplest form, what I am saying is that the answer to an unasked question is always no. The outcome of untried experience is always negative because you lack the experience.

Asking the question always gives you the chance at either answer. Experiencing the thing you desire that you are ignoring is always better than ignoring it because you will have experiencedd it, and it has the potential to be great, in as much as it has the potential to be bad.

If I can leave you all with nothing else, I leave you with this, paralysation is not the answer. I am constantly haunted by one dream. Sometimes I dream that I wake up, but I can't move. I am stuck in one spot....and then things that happened to me before begin to happen again and I am stuck, unable to move or do anything about it. I struggle to move my body until I am finally jolted awake from the strain.

Don't live your life like my nightmare. ACT!

Do something before it is too late. Do not be afraid to let go of the thing you have in favour of the thing you want. Do not be afraid to sacrifice comfort for a bit of the old howdoyado (assuming that means excitement).

Happiness is a rare thing in this world, made even more so by the fact that it is almost never achieved in a state of contentment. Contentment is just that. Plain, old tired, boring staid, safety, with little to no interest. It is for the meak and mild who can't dream of something better,or who have been taught by someone along the way that they deserve no better.


You deserve all the world and all the stars and all the joy, because you are a special snowflake.

You deserve some happiness and adventure, and safety, and comfort.

I am so tired of sad faces and sad stories.

Mine included.

This is esspecially tiring from those who have the skill to change their circumstances, if not for paralyzing fear.

As such, I am climbing in to Schrodinger`s little box. That is where I will be, and you can reach me through his kitty.

Later folks.

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