Saturday, October 16, 2010

Declaration Of War.

Screw you guys, I'm going home.

This was all fun and whatnot but it really isn't going to work out.

You see, I'm just not in to you.

I am trying to shift my locus of control from external to internal or some such nonsensical psychological bullshit. In truth, this just seems boring and a waste of time.

In a way I know it is silly but, like any person who bares their soul in any fashion, it feels hollow when they are pissing in to the wind. What is he jibber jabbering about you may ask....if you are an impolite housewife from the 50's?

I pour out my inner feelings, let you all know who I really am. Then, as an encore I share with you secre4t desires, motivations and a little piece of my creativity, and it feels like so much wasted time.

No conversation is sparked, no comments are made, no validations or criticisms, just blank empty pages and banal conversations about nothing, and not even the seinfeld nothing, i mean almost literly nothing.

I am tired, and I am going to bed, and I am not coming back because I am just nopt that in to you.

It's me, not you.

I think we should see other websites.

We have grown apart, or were never really together in the first place. Weird obsession and mutual patheticism drew us together, but in the end, we live in different worlds, are on different paths, and frankly, I am too tired to explain myself to a bunch of people who don't give a shit, or who get some sort of twisted voyeuristic pleasure from watching me spew my heart out and never reciprocrating.

Like any relationship, if you take me for granted, I will eventually leave.

I feel angry because of how one sided this seems to be. I know to a certain extent that is incorrect but whatever, this is valid, if a bit misguided.

Honesty is a two way street. Putting the expectation on me that I be honest and express my feelings and inner whatevers, and then not get jack in return is just wrong. I might as well just be journaling.

That is exactly what I think I will do. No more internet bullshit, no more sharing my feelings with you, just me venting on my own. I will get the same out of it, and not have to feel so bad about it, and not have to feel used.


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