Thursday, October 7, 2010

casey jones- The Ungrateful Dead

So this weekend is thanksgiving, at least it is here in the Frozen North. That usually means people are scrambling to find family to torture or pathetic friends to save. It also usually means people will comb the surface of their brain like an over zealous stormtrooper on the sands of tatooine looking for droids.

If you expect me to do either of those things, this is not the blog you are looking for.

So many people are so thankful for all their gifts in this life, and try as I might, I am not one of them. I rarely if ever consider anything in my life a gift. This is almost exclusively to do with the yin yang of everything in my life.

Many people are thankful for their parents. I could try and be, but when your parents both love and hate you at the same time it isn't easy to be thankful.

Many people are thankful for love. I simply am not one of those. My love for others has always been misplaced or blown up real fast. Those who have professed to love me have simply dissipated. Ok not so simply in some cases but frig that, invisibility is invisibility.

It is at this point a normal person would scream out I am unlovable. I ain't gonna do that. First of all, I am not normal, and second of all, I am lovable in my own way.

Sure I am fucked up, but at least I have the balls to admit it, and the ridiculous lack of shame to blog about it on the internet.

Many people are thankful for their job. HAHAHA!

Moving on.

Many people are thankful for their friends. In a way I should be, but I am not. I am no longer comfortable with any of them. I may never have been simply because I am never able to be fully and truly me with any of them save 3. One dissapeared, one lives in another country and one expects more from me than I can deliver.

The vast majority of people are thankful for life. I am not. Like all yin tang situations, my life has been extraordinarily blessed and cursed. Yet those great joys seem hollow and empty now as I look back on them because they were never what I wanted. All those little victories were tainted by the fact that they could have been much more.

The pain. The pain was real.

Someone foolishly said to me today I should not rest on my laurels. I would like to gut him like a fish right now, and I hate fish.

No quarter given, no respect for the distance traveled so far, merely penalizing me for not having reached the finish line as posted by him.

Few know enough about me to actually say to me, I know you well enough by now.... in fact I think only two living souls have a right to say that...maybe three. That third is most likely not smart enough to actually know me.

At some point pride is valuable. Self esteem is valuable. Self worth is valuable.

To all those who climbed out of the gutter to stand on the side of the road I salute you, and welcome to the club.

There are gutters in life, and not those shiny ones in your bowling alleys that simply spit your ball back out when you slide it in there by accident. There are gutters that consume. Gutters that are full of quicksand and tar, with dirty needles for rocks and dead bodies for bumpers.

There are gutters full of the diseased, the sick the abandoned, the lonely.

This is the gutter of the abused. This is the gutter of the guilty. This is the gutter of the forgotten and the downtrodden. The gutter of the traumatized. The gutter of the addict. The gutter of the poor. The gutter of the misbegotten.

When someone crawls out of that gutter, stands up, looks around and says, can anyone help me find the way back home, you don't tell them find it yourself. You do not tell them hey I see you got yourself out of the gutter, why can't you find your way home?

My story is not that different from others.

Abused by 3.

Broken so badly that the vast majority of people with my injury can't feed themselves let alone think for themselves.

Scared, stalked and alone.

Abandoned and mistreated.

Lost and found in a place not for the weak of heart.

Abandoned again.

Guilty of so much hate and hurt.

Abandoned again.

Left to addiction, and almost lost.

Freed through willpower and inner strength, only to make the same mistakes again because my roadmap is shit.

Broken down and misguided.

Foolish in love to the point it breaks him again.

Lost and alone.

Reinvents himself and begins a wicked journey of self discovery that he hopes will lead him home.

Lost a drift. Begging for a light and help with the map.

Fuck you if you think I haven't done enough. Fuck you if you think it is so easy to get this far.

Ahh what have I done? Laid bare my angst and anger over everything. So be it. Feel free to judge me all you want. I am strong enough to withstand your opinions, it is myself that is the true harsh critic.

Personal savior indeed. Look for your strength in others if that warms you at night. I like the cold.

Go ahead and tell me again how I like the inner strength to make change. Go ahead.

Yay me for being stupid enough to share this with you all. The fact is, maybe you can learn from my mistakes, and even if you don't, I can still be a cautionary tale.

What I will not do is be thankful for all this shit.

It never really amounted to much, after all, I haven't amounted to jackshit. But, I have managed to accomplish something few do, I got out, and I breathed clean air for a bit. It was kinda fun, in a messed up sort of way.

Now, go forth children and be thankful. Be thankful you are not me, since I am weak and pathetic and not worth anyone's kudos.

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