Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sober Second Thought.

Sit right back and I will tell you a tale, a tale of three little bottles and a BIG.....BAD....IDIOT!

Ok, that tale sucks so I am gonna say this about that... Sometimes you just need to get a good drunk on.

I want to strive and make this blog what it was, rather than what it became, which was a desperate cry for attention. I want to strive to make my thoughts more generalized.

I do believe I can talk about myself and my struggles in a way that can entertain, but also not scare or make you feel I am pathetic, cause the truth is, I am not pathetic... despite what my drunken stupor may have led you to believe.

In this life, I believe we no longer have to pick one thing and be it. We can constantly reinvent ourselves until we are truly happy with who and what we are.

As much shit as I have been through, I have always risen above it. I have always found a way to improve myself and my place in the world.

This too shall pass.

I am unhapy with my current lot in life, and while I may have been a teensy bit ridiculous in my approach to making a change, I am proud that I had the strength to do so, and I hope anyone reading this can develop that strength too.

Change can be scary. Uprooting your life and make a complete redirection can be overwheling, but it can be done. I know because I have done it several times.

The one thing I realised this weekend is that I am much stronger than I think I am.

I have said that in the past, we all have. Sometimes we forget and we need a person to remind us of that.

It is the one thing I regret not having in my life is a person who can remind me of my strength when I am feeling weak, and remind me of my weakness when I am feeling strong.

We all need these people in ourlives. Special people who are close enough to call us on our shit, and caring enough to lift us when we are down.

I am searching for this person in my life, but until then, well, I guess I am going to have to do it all on my own.

I am not sure any longer what I am going to do from this point forward, but I can asure you it will be awesome, and I will put everything I have in to it.

I know that I have slipped away from my interests and from my strengths, but I am refocusing and coming back in line with what makes me me, rather than what makes me annoying as shit. That being said, I have to get up off my ass and do it, no fear, no delay, no anxiety, just true grit and determination.

Let the good times roll.


  1. Just an idea I had after reading the "lost post" which, unsurprisingly, contained many musical references: have you ever considered doing a post about music that makes you happy or has happy associations for you?
